Currently working on putting together a new, longer piece on a Special Place in Vermont I’ve been exploring for years. Thought I’d share some unlabeled looks at possible stonework to whet your appetite.
There was an early “Experiencing…” video on this site and initial articles, and I’ve shared some photos and video from there in the Facebook Group in years past. More recently, I’ve showed you some material here on Substack.
There is more to share.
Some of this potential “stonework” is highly speculative in nature and could be written off as natural, so while I made several trips in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, and shot hours of footage and thousands of photographs, I haven’t yet showed much to anyone. As a result, there’s a surprisingly large amount of unused footage from 2021 — even with the “Experiencing…” video running nearly an hour! I’ve been going through that stuff and through video and photos from the Spring of 2022, late Spring and late Summer of 2023, and from early last November.
As I’ve been reviewing video, I’ve been capturing screen-shots — video stills. Thought I’d share a couple of curious ones with you, without explanations, for now, to let you in just a little on what I’m working on.
More to come.