
Ancient Stone Mysteries of New England - The Book

Join Me and Discover Ancient History All Around Us...

My new book as been born into the world! There’s info and links to get the paperback at https://ancientstonemysteries.com.

From the Press Release, another weird exercise in writing about myself in the Third Person (confession: I don’t like writing promotional copy about myself):

Mike Luoma and Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Books proudly announce the release of Ancient Stone Mysteries of New England – Discovering the Ancient World All Around Us, a new work chronicling Mike’s first two years of stonework investigations, as he discovers some of the stonework we find in the woods and forests of New England likely pre-dates their assumed construction by European colonists and later settlers, and may be ancient, Indigenous work. Learn along with Mike about Ceremonial Stone Landscapes, Stone Prayers, and more possibly ritual-built stonework left by the ancient ancestors of today’s Indigenous peoples.

Mike’s over 500 black & white photographs and illustrations of stonework around New England help demonstrate these ideas in a relatable way as he shares his journey into the stonework, providing readers new or recent to the concept of Ceremonial Stonework in Northeastern North America an easy entrance into this fascinating lost history now being rediscovered.

Mike shares the personal story of his first two years of exploration and discovery of possibly sacred stone sites throughout New England, experiencing potential Ceremonial Stone Landscapes and more. He shares impressions from each visit, as well as research and knowledge gained in efforts to understand sites' meanings and histories. 

If you’ve come across mysterious stonework or know someone who has, and want to know more, or have found you don’t know as much as you once thought you did about the ancient stonework of New England, join Mike Luoma on his journey, and discover how and why this could be ancient Indigenous Stonework.