Do You See What I See?
Possible Large-Scale Great Serpent Stone Work at Colchester Pond in Vermont
Logging in, I see its’s been over a week since I’ve posted. Apologies for not sharing cool content with you for a little bit! Was working on the new video posted today for Colchester Pond (Below). Let me show you something…
Let me tell you a little something, first.
Maybe all we investigators have that one thing where we go a little bit further "out there". Each our own area where those who agree with us on many other possible finds say, "Nope. Can't go there."
For me, it's Possible Large-Scale Great Serpent Stone Work which I've been finding on ridges and ledges around New England, usually at heights and in locations suggesting the work may date back to the days of the Champlain Sea.
Not everyone sees this stuff. A few use the "P" word, even... (pareidolia, BTW).
Did the Ancestors of the Indigenous Peoples in what is now Northeastern North America sail the Champlain Sea and possibly build Great Horned and Feathered Serpent Effigies along coastal ridges towards the end of the Ice Age?
Some curious stones and boulders found around Colchester Pond (and a few other places, too) suggest perhaps they did.
I've been covering this in some of my videos. In my new one on Colchester Pond you can see some more examples of this possible larger stone work.
Again, it's a little ways off the beaten path -- literally and figuratively.
Take a closer look at some very curious stone work in Vermont:
What do you think?