New Video Presentation - "Experiencing Stone Rows, Possible Effigy Forms, & More In Boylston, Massachusetts"
Early Monday Premiere! (6AM EDT)
Catching up with our Spring hike... once again, my girlfriend and fellow stone site investigator Amanda Riani showed off her intuitive talent for searching out stone sites and led us to trails in Boylston, Massachusetts where we found a couple of Stone Rows and a giant, possibly perched Boulder & potential Frog Effigy form, among other curious stonework designs...
To be clear, in case you haven't seen one of my videos... you won't see us in this video, just the stonework. Because that's all I'd usually want to see, LoL... My presentations tend to be edited videos of stone features with some music and a voiceover. They're all different lengths, depending on how much footage I shot on my visit. This new one is just over twelve-and-a-half minutes long.
If you’re reading this before 6AM EDT, please be patient… if after? Enjoy!